Monday, July 28, 2008

All I Ever Wanted

Oh, my gosh -- I'm going on a real vacation! I'm taking the last week of August off, and possibly the first week of September, and I was toying with the idea of going on a road trip to South Dakota to see Mount Rushmore and the Badlands (I love saying "Badlands" -- try saying it with gusto, and you'll understand why). But the thought of being in the car for 20 hours there and 20 hours back made me feel tired, and while I can accept the idea of being tired after vacation, it seems wrong to dread vacation.

I've been wanting to go to Italian cooking school. I read about it somewhere four years ago, and bookmarked it on my computer. And every now and then, I'd pull up the page and think "next year." It's not a cheap vacation, and I doubt Suze Orman would approve of me going (she's the reason I'm not buying a new car), but I'm excited about going, and I need a real vacation. I think the last one I went on was in 2004 when Heather and I took the QM2 from New York City to Southampton and then spent a week in Ireland.

I do a lot of staycations -- vacations where I stay at home. I'll clean my pigsty of an apartment and run errands, basically taking time off to do the things I don't do because I'm traveling. I get a lot of rest during these vacations, but I don't think they actually recharge my batteries, and I desperately need my batteries to be recharged.

My mom's worried that I'm traveling by myself, and she thinks I'd have more fun if I were with a friend (she was gracious enough not to suggest it as a honeymoon), but I explained to her that I've been wanting to do this for four years, and it's hard to find someone willing to drop the amount of money this is going to take. The only reason I can sort of afford it is because I'm using (a lot of) miles for the plane ticket. She's still worried, thinking that there's safety in numbers, which, of course, there is, but I feel like I delay doing a lot of things because there's safety in numbers, and I'm just one. I'm in a rut, and I need to shake things up and get out of it.

I'm looking forward to walking around in the hazelnut and apple orchards on the property of the school. I'm looking forward to sitting by the pool, slathered in sunblock and catching up on my reading (I think my suitcase is going to be kind of heavy). I'm looking forward to not having any connectivity and not being able to check e-mail. And most of all, I'm looking forward to having the time away from my life to figure out what I really want and what I should be doing.

After I get back, I'm going to take a day to catch my breath, and then Liz and I have plans to go to New Orleans. The W in the French Quarter is having a crazy deal, probably because it's hotter than hell in Louisiana in the late summer and nobody in their right minds wants to be there. I've never been to New Orleans, though, and the shorter road trip sounds like fun rather than a burden. And also -- BEIGNETS. I'm a sucker for deep fried dough.

I'm hoping that at the end of it all, I'll be exhausted but rejuvenated with a fresh outlook on life and some mad Italian cooking skillz. I'll let you know how it goes!

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