Sunday, April 13, 2008

How Last Night's Astros Game Made Me Want to Stay Single

MORE FREE TICKETS TO THE ASTROS!!!  I love that my friends have awesome connections, and that they're willing to share the spoils of those connections with ME!

The Astros won last night, more due to the excellent fielding, I think, than a strong outing by Backe.  I'm hoping he's just settling in, because he had so much going for him before he went out for Tommy John surgery.  Also, the Marlins aren't that good, I don't think.

Anyway, Carrie and I were sitting next to two, young, married couples.  The wives were very pretty and teachers.  Who knows what the hell the husbands did.  The guys sat together, and while one was just a normal guy, the other one was a COMPLETE ASS.  He didn't shut up the whole game and constantly bumped Carrie throughout.  He was verbally abusive to his wife and cheered for the Astros in really wrong, negative way.  He nearly kicked the head of the 2-year-old in front of him.  And after 3 and a half hours of sitting next to this douchebag, I nearly took my profile off of Match.  

What is wrong with women that they put up with that kind of crap?  He was SO disrespectful to his wife, in front of their friends and everyone else sitting near them at the game.  And she just sat there and took it.  She wasn't happy about it, but she didn't do anything.  WTF???  

I've had my differences with my parents, but I'm so grateful to them for rearing me to have a spine.  I'm not settling for a jackass like that, and I've decided that despite my misgivings about having children, I kind of need to have them to make up for his horrific offspring.  I know that sounds arrogant and gross, but seriously -- he and his wife have kids, and they're going to turn out just like them.  We don't need more of that in the world.

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