Sunday, September 21, 2008

Movies & TV Shows for Strong Women

Despite the fact that it's nearly 2009 and that we almost had a woman as a Presidential candidate, I think that there's a fair amount of crap in the media that's not good for us or our psyches, regardless of whether you're a man or a woman.  So here's a partial list of movies and tv shows that I think are a nice counter to the crap out -- these all have heroines who are smart and independent and manage to rescue themselves:

Remington Steele (this is one of my favorite tv shows of all time -- this was such a nice palate cleanser in the 80s after the jigglefest of Charlie's Angels.  Don't get me wrong -- I loved the Angels, and yes, they carried guns and managed to rescue themselves much of the time, but the major focus of Charlie's Angels was T&A.)

Enchanted (I had my doubts about this one, but I watched at my cousin's house with her and her 3-year-old daughter at my cousin's insistence.  Not only does Giselle rescue herself, but she also rescues the man she loves.  It was so much better than I was expecting!)

Ever After (I also had serious doubts about this one, but I'm starting to see Drew Barrymore as a reliable indicator that the heroine of the movie will be able to kick a**.  Besides, I'm a sucker for movies that have heroines who like to read.)

Legally Blonde (Truthfully, Elle Woods grates on my nerves.  But I like the message it sends to chicks about being true to who you are and living up to your own expectations rather than other people's.  Reese Witherspoon also seems to be a reliable indicator of a strong chick movie.)

Penelope (I've written about this before.  It's a great movie, and I think Reese Witherspoon produced it.  See?  Reliable indicator.)

Juno (Just a warning -- don't watch this one with the director's commentary on, because Jason Reitman is an a**hat.  Regardless of what you think about teen pregnancy, the heroine is smart and independent and doesn't take crap from anyone, including the jacka** Jason Bateman character.  I'm in favor of not taking crap from anyone.)

What have I missed?  

1 comment:

txgal2002 said...

I must agree with your choices (having seen them all except for Penelope which I will go out and rent soon.) Anyhoo, thought I'd add my two cents. G.I. Jane is one of my guilty pleasures!!!

Keep writing!!
