Saturday, March 8, 2008


Instead of taking a nap after Pilates and the grocery store like I usually do, I spent the afternoon before meeting my realtor friend to look at houses doing what I needed to do to get started on and  I've already come across the fundamental problem that kept me from signing up with Match and Chemistry years ago.

If you're on Match or Chemistry, chances are you've at least completed some high school.  That means that we received the same minimal grammar and punctuation education -- I'm a public school kid, with the exception of a few years when my family lived in Tokyo (they sent the Asian guy for the company's joint venture with Sumitomo; it made sense in 1980).  If you can't be bothered with punctuation and grammar in your profile, I am automatically turned off.  Seriously -- it's turning out to be impossible for me to get past it.  And maybe you're my Prince Charming.  Maybe you're the guy with whom I'm supposed to spend the rest of my life, and our children would have been the chosen ones who ended up bringing about world peace.  WE'LL NEVER KNOW because you didn't care about the difference between "your," "you're," and "youre," nor did you think that commas, periods, or question marks were necessary.  I can understand blowing off exclamation points, semi-colons, colons, ellipses, parentheses, quotation marks, and capitalization.  Really, I can.  I don't like it, but I understand.  But when your profile is 20 lines of words that don't contain any sort of syntactical structure or punctuation, you and I are never going to click.  We're just not.  I'm sorry. 

And after having my car spend the day at the mechanic (I got to spend 3 hours waiting at the dealership because they didn't tell me the right time), the check engine light went on 20 minutes ago.  They're closed tomorrow, and then I'm out of town for a week, at the beach for 3 days, and then I have friends coming into town.  I NEED MY CAR.  NEVER BUY A VOLKSWAGEN.

I'd pour myself a drink, but I had a martini and wine with dinner, so what would be the point?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I can't believe you used the present subjunctive mood improperly. I thought we had a chance . . .