Friday, June 10, 2011

June 9: Damn it

So I missed June 9, obviously, since we're almost 30 minutes past midnight.  In my defense, I went to the Blogher site, and the prompt was kind of dumb, something about whether there's an actor or actress I'm a fan of and so I watch everything they're in.  Does anyone want to read about that?  If so, I can think about it and come up with an entry.

I'm going to keep this short and hope that the prompt for June 10 is better.  I've been highly annoyed by two Facebook friends, and I made myself feel better by deleting their unnecessary comments.  I like comments and commenting as much as the next person, but if you try to make my Facebook page all about you, or you try to use my Facebook page to further your very obvious agenda, I'm going to be super annoyed, and I'm either going to put you on Limited Profile, or I'm just going to delete the comments that irritate me most.  Today, that turned out to be most of them.  Aaaahhhhh.

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